Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back To Work

For those of you that don't know, my computer committed suicide a while back which caused me to lose everything. Note to self. How many times do you have to be told to back everything up? So anyway, the new computer arrived yesterday and I spent most of the day getting things loaded again. I can't say enough good things about Tiger Direct. Computer was shipped on the 19th, which was a Saturday, and it was delivered via UPS on the 21st, which was a Monday. Awesome. Getting back to business, the partners basically liked the direction I'm going with the re-write of the mystery and were kind enough to make some awesome suggestions, so I'll see what I can do before the next meeting on the 8th. The computer I bought is loaded with Windows 7 which meant downloading drivers for all my peripherals since they didn't work. So far I don't see a lot of differences other than being quite a bit faster in response time and some changes in the way Word works. All positive so far. One of the ways the partners have helped me is in defining my characters better. Ironically, the things they suggested were, for the most part deleted in the last version which they never saw. Of course, that version was lost so I start over. Oh well, life goes on.

1 comment:

  1. I hope Mystery at High Point is coming along nicely. Glad to hear you are back up and running Warren. You can also back up your writing in your google documents which are web based.

    Good luck!
