I' ve bored you long enough about that first chapter vs. prologue problem and it's time to move on to other subjects. I will however, report that I accomplished what had to be done.
There are two conferences next month and I'll go to at least one of them, the one in Lansing, MI., and that brings me to the subject of today's post. I don't think you can understate the importance of attending conferences and workshops, especially to the unpublished or struggling writer. They provide information and motivation but even more important is the value of networking, getting your name out there with agents, editors and more successful authors. It's like getting together at the club house to swap stories and experiences.
The one essential tool to take with you is a good notebook and a couple of pens. (Someone may want your autograph.) You just can't take too many notes or get too many new contacts. I also use a small digital recorder because my handwriting is so bad. No sense taking notes you can't read. If you have some business cards or similar, spread them around, even if they wind up in the garbage at someone's house. They are inexpensive but invaluable. Make sure you have copies of your work, at least a chapter or an outline. I take a query letter with me just in case, if you know what I mean. Arrive as early as possible since the coffee and snack table is a good place to mingle. Most of all, have a good time, meet lots of people, but remember, writing is a business and conferences are as close to business meetings as we get.
Back From Another Hiatus
6 years ago
Business meeting, I like that refraim. See you there Warren!