Well, after a long absence, I'm back . The format will change a bit as writing has not been my focus for a while and won't be until I can focus again. Just can't get into character on these meds. I can tell already that this winter is going to be harder to handle and it would be nice to be able to get away from it but that's out of the question so I'll just hunker down and do the best I can. I at least managed to get some editing done today and I'll do some more tomorrow while the wife is making
kiefles with the daughter. I'm only good for taste testing but damn, I'm good at that. So far the new car is performing well. I"m averaging 23.8 in the city, which is where we do most of our driving these days. That's about 7 mpg better than I was getting on the van we traded in. I still have not been able to make my scanner work with Windows 7, even with the new driver I downloaded. I guess I'll have to prevail on our tech minded son to figure it out and maybe at the same time he can find out why the printer doesn't work on the network, even though the status says it does. Our days are made better by the love of the newest grand daughter, who I am trying not to spoil...yeah right. Only a few more weeks before the new one is due and I'll be forced to spoil her too. Oh the stress and strain of being a grand father. We won't see her as much though, due to the distance and both parents working. That will make a total of 21 grand kids between the two of us, some of whom are step kids but who cares, and 9 great grand kids. There aren't very many of them local any more and the grand kids, for the most part are grown and living wherever. One in Washington state, some in Oklahoma, some in Ohio, some in Grand Rapids. We'll never have them all together at one time, unfortunately. So anyway, I'll be posting again and we'll take it one day at a time. God bless everyone and keep you safe and healthy.
Back From Another Hiatus
6 years ago
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